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Lighting Design

Lighting Design

  1. GTS provides Lighting design services for customers to enable them to visualize the lighting effects our proposed lighting solution will provide.

    Designing a basic lighting scheme requires the consideration of many factors, not just the achievement of a desired lighting level. Basic objectives must first be established, such as:

    • What sort of tasks will be performed in the area?
    • What ‘mood’ needs to be created?
    • What type of lighting will create a comfortable environment?


    There are also standards and legislation that need to be complied with. For example:

    • How energy efficient must the lighting be?
    • How will Building Regulations affect the design?
    • Is emergency lighting required?


    When all these objectives and requirements have been established, they can be expressed as a series of lighting criteria in order to facilitate a quality lighting design. Criteria that would normally be considered are:

    • Level of Illumination
    • Uniformity & Ratios of Illuminance
    • Glare
    • Colour & Room Reflectance
    • Energy Efficiency
    • Any special conditions such as the addition of display lighting or screens, etc.




    GTS can provide in addition to the Street lighting design, support to design the solar system comprising of the PV and Battery necessary for a Solar Street lighting solution.